The determination of the dynamics and strategy for harmonization of salaries of MIA salaries in public administration is the purpose of today’s meeting between Macedonian Ministry of Interior and Macedonian Police Union (MPU).
Jankulovska stressed that this action will result in a positive outcome in the interests of the MIA officers.
- We started with gradual adjustment of the structure of salaries in the MIA, to be similar to the basic salary in the public administration, and the income of the police services in the region. First by adjusting, the salary ranking, giving priority to low salaries and standardization along with the difference of pay between the ranks and levels, pointed out the Minister.
She stressed that they will continue to promote the rights of employees as their engagement, in particular at the part of police for its specificity and complexity, deserve appreciation.
President of MPU Tihomir Klimovski expressed satisfaction with this activity, which is carried out at their request, to regulate the ratio of police salaries to those of public administration.