Employees of the security and defense, maintaining order and fighting corruption are a key segment in the Macedonian society.
The Government has made a lot of action in this area in order to improve the working conditions of our defenders.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, today announced a major and important measure.
- Plans are being made for new employing in the Army, equipping the Army with a long-term plan. It is also planned to improve the conditions in the barracks where these people work, Gruevski said.
At the same time, he noted that the government is working on an important and crucial measure, when the professional soldiers reach their 45 year to leave the service and they will be employed in the civil service.
There will be a solution, they will be regularly employed and receive salary until they qualify for retirement.
“ARM my real home” creates an opportunity to solve the housing problems of the members of the Army, to improve the working conditions, and a school for pilots is open. These are just some of the measures implemented by the government for this category.